It's National Apprenticeship Week! Could more digital apprentices help with their local community engagement projects?

by Lauren Herman on March 11, 2015
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This week is National Apprenticeship Week in the UK.  In September, Stickyworld hired their first Digital Marketing apprentice - which was me!

It can take a lot of time and focus to manage your communications and use digital tools effectively. Meanwhile, there are 1000's of young people keen to learn and apply new digital communications skills and get a foot on the career ladder.  Who knows, they could even be living down the end of the street from you? Most of them likely haven't considered connecting with your group so maybe there's an opportunity for them to engage in a way that is mutually beneficial, and which might lead to you growing your engagement team with continuous digital engagement going forward? Read on to consider some new ideas for the benefits and methods of resourcing digital engagement for your community group with the help of an apprentice who will work hard to develop their skills every day.

I joined the national apprenticeship scheme through Just IT.  Chosing to do an apprenticeship was a great idea, and I'm very glad I did it. Working for a start up company like Stickyworld has really helped me learn and grow without having to have my head stuck in a text book. It's a brilliant way to understand the professional world of work, and to adapt to that.  Being part of an apprenticeship scheme really prepares you for future careers, and the skills you will need to pursue them.  I also go to formal courses to get a qualification in social media for business which is something I can take on to future employers.

It's not just beneficial for the apprentice though. It's a highly positive experience for the employer too. For a small company like Stickyworld with an innovative civic tech platform, it is a great way for the company to involve a younger perspective in front end decision making. There are also government grants to subsidise the salary so its really positive for all sides.


Positives of hiring an apprentice for any organisation

- They can be tailored to specific job roles, making them flexible for the organisation

- You get an extra pair of hands, meaning projects are finished quicker

- They are a great way of attracting people with fresh new ideas and innovation for the organisation

- 80% of the learning is done in the workplace, which is similar to hiring a full time employee 

- Apprenticeships highlight the commitment the organisation has towards its people

- An apprentice often tends to stay with the organisation and labour turn-over is lower

- 81% of consumers prefer to engage with an organisation which takes on apprentices 

This all makes sense for business, but what about for community organisations? Could it work for them too?

Working at Stickyworld is really opening up many opportunities for me, as it lets me show my full potential and pushes me to express new creative ideas, that I can use to drive a really positive outcome to the company. Okay, so most apprentices are working in businesses, and its probably a lot harder for community groups or non for profits to take on a resource.  Apparently there are 24,000 apprenticeships in the non-profit and charities sector, which is a big number but a minority of all apprentices. Therefore, it may be harder for community groups like neighbourhood forums to find the funds to pay apprentices, so things might need to start out on a volunteer basis.

But with a little creative thinking, groups could apply for extra grants and also team up with local businesses and highstreet chains who might sponsor or share the costs of funding this young person's help to improve an area. Remember, an apprentice is someone who is actually looking to build a career with new skills, so if you are struggling with digital engagement in your community, then finding an apprentice who wants a career in digital marketing and communications could be a really good fit for your organisation.

Let me know if this sounds realistic by commenting in our blog below.

P.S Following National Apprenticeship Week, don't forget National Walking Month is coming up in May. We've got an exciting initiative where a young person in your area could also help you. To find out more and keep up to date with what we are launching simply subscribe to our blog posts! 

16.03.15 Update we have just launched our free offer for a Stickyworld portal in May - this could be a great way to recruit more young people to work for your community organisation - who knows you might even find a willing apprentice to help your organisation.


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